Restore Dynamics 365 records
Keepit supports in-place restore for individual Dynamics 365 data items (records). Records can be restored by themselves or together with all related records.
Keepit also supports in-place restore of multiple Dynamics 365 records at a time. The option to restore related records is not available in a bulk restore.
Restore a Dynamics 365 record
1. In your connector, find the record you want to restore.
2. Optional: If you want to restore a record from an earlier point in time, open the Snapshots Viewer and select the appropriate snapshot.
3. Point to the record and select ••• > Restore.
Note: To preview the record, click the item to open the File Previewer. In the upper-left corner, select the Restore icon.
4. Select the method of restore, and then select Next.
- Restore only this record - Restoring only this record will restore only the selected record and no connected records.
- Also restore related records - Restoring related record(s) means that the record as well as all connected records that are found under it will be restored. For example, if you restore an account, you will also be restoring all records under the account (for example, Social Profiles, opportunities, activities, and contacts).
Note: If you select Also restore related records, the restore job may be marked as incomplete in the Job Monitor even if the main and related records are restored successfully. This occurs because Microsoft may fail to restore system files, which are not necessary for data recovery.
5. Review the restore summary and click Confirm.
Restoring Dynamics 365 records in bulk
You can restore multiple records at a time, but the option to restore related records is not available for bulk restores.
To restore multiple items at a time, select the items and in the toolbar click Restore.
Restoring deleted items in bulk
Deleted items cannot be restored in bulk. These items can be restored one at a time by selecting ••• > Restore.
To restore these items in bulk, you must first open a snapshot from a time before these items were deleted. For example, if you want to restore multiple items in a folder that has been deleted, check the timestamp of the folder, open the Snapshots Viewer, and then select a snapshot from a time before it was deleted. You will now see the option to restore these items in bulk.
What happens to your data after you restore
The record (and if applicable all related records) will be restored back to Dynamics. If a record of the same name already exists in Dynamics, it will be overwritten. All records retain their original IDs when they are restored.
The restored record will have a timestamp reflecting the time of the restore.
Regardless of which method you select, the Job Monitor will show that more items were restored than selected. These additional items are metafiles that are invisible to the user in Dynamics but necessary for the proper functioning of the record.
If the metadata and/or configuration(s) attributed to the record in the snapshot is different from that in Dynamics, Keepit will still attempt to restore the record. Depending on the API, the record may or may not restore.
Restoring non-direct relationships
Non-direct relationships between records are not restored, as they are not considered as related records. For instance, if you select the option to restore related records for a marketing list, the members of the list will not be restored.
Restoring a record with a required field that has been deleted
A record cannot be restored if one of its required fields references another record that has been deleted. For example, if you create a case record and fill in the required customer field with an existing contact, and that contact record is then deleted, then you will not be able to restore the case record. You can, however, restore both your case and contact if you restore the contact record and select Also restore related records.
Read-only fields cannot be updated
In Dynamics 365, certain fields are read-only by default, meaning they cannot be updated manually. When restoring data, this limitation prevents us from overwriting these fields with information from the snapshot. Instead, these fields will be automatically populated by Microsoft.