Preview and compare Entra ID metadata

Using the previewer

The metadata previewer allows you to view an object's attributes, relationships, licenses, and authentication methods.

To open the metadata previewer, to the right of the object, select ••• > Object metadata.

In the previewer, you can also compare the object's values with those from the previous snapshot.

To see the comparison, open the Difference tab in the previewer.

View different versions

To open a different snapshot, in the toolbar select the versions icon and then select a snapshot from the versions viewer. 

Note: The versions viewer only shows snapshots where changes to the dataset were made. In total there may be more snapshots.

Supported actions

Directly from the previewer, you can restore, download, or share the object.

Both the metadata overview table and the difference table can be printed.

Viewing metadata

The previewer shows the state of the data in the selected snapshot.

Metadata overview table

1) The left column displays backed up attributes, relationships, licenses, and authentication methods. 

2) The right column displays the value of each attribute and the number of other metadata items.

Comparing metadata

To view a comparison, open the Difference tab.

The comparison is always between the selected snapshot and the previous snapshot. The differences between the snapshots are highlighted.

Attributes can be modified. You can see the current value and compare it the value that was in the previous snapshot.

Relationships, licenses, and authentication methods can be deleted or added. You can see how many items were added or deleted since the previous snapshot.

Note: The manager is a relationship to another user, but in the difference table we display the name of the manager, not the number of managers. A user can have only one manager.

Difference table

1) The first column shows icons that indicate the type of change that was made to the attributes, relationships, licenses, and authentication methods:

  • Blue pen - modified (applies to attributes)
  • Green plus sign - added (applies to relationships, licenses, and authentication methods)
  • Red minus sign - deleted (applies to relationships, licenses, and authentication methods)

2) The second column lists backed up attributes, relationships, licenses, and authentication methods.

3) The third column shows what has been changed as compared to the previous snapshot, i.e., the state of the data in the selected snapshot.

  • For attributes, the value in the selected snapshot will be displayed.
  • For relationships, licenses, and authentication methods, the number of items added or deleted compared to the previous snapshot will be displayed.

4) The fourth column shows the value of the attribute and the number of relationships, licenses, and authentication methods in the previous snapshot.

  • For attributes, the value in the previous snapshot will be displayed.
  • For relationships, licenses, and authentication methods, the total number of items that were present will be displayed.