M365 connector

Restore SharePoint sites with the Restore Wizard

Use the Restore Wizard to restore all or several of your SharePoint sites at one time.

To restore a SharePoint site as a new site with a new URL to a different tenant, go to Restore a SharePoint site.

To restore one item of your SharePoint site, use the Item Restore.  

Restore SharePoint sites:

1. To open the Restore Wizard, to the right of your connector click the Restore icon.

2. Select Restore > Next.

3. Select a snapshot from the time you want to restore. Then click Next.

4. Select SharePoint > Next.

5. Select the sites you want to restore. Then click Next.

6. Select In-place.
Only this option is available when restoring SharePoint sites through the Restore Wizard.

7. Select how to handle duplicate items.

Choose one of the two options:

  • Skip duplicate items: If an item already exists in SharePoint, it will be skipped. All items not found in SharePoint will be added. 
  • Overwrite existing items: If an item already exists in SharePoint, it will be overwritten with the item from the snapshot. All items not found in SharePoint will be added. 

8. Select how to handle versions. 

  • Restore only most recent version: The most recent version of each file and item will be restored as a new version.
  • Restore all versions: All existing versions of each file and item will be overwritten and restored versions will receive new modified dates.

9. Click Next.

10. Review the summary. Then click Next.

Important: List items that are not present in the snapshot you are restoring from but that are present in SharePoint will be deleted. All other SharePoint data will not be deleted