Managing messages received by your customers

Control which messages your customers receive about their accounts. Messages will be sent to their Keepit platform inbox and to their email.

1. In the lower-left corner, select the account profile > Account info.

2. Go to the Messages tab > Messages configuration.

3. Enable Receive messages about customer accounts.

4. Point to the message name and click the gear icon.

5. Turn off/on Send message to the customer.

Note: Messages will only be sent if a language is specified and the message is enabled. Languages cannot be configured directly from the platform. Please reach out to support for assistance with language settings.

Create a custom property

You can set one custom seat limit for each connector type. The seat limit can take effect immediately or it can be scheduled for the future.

If a custom seat limit is active, you will see a green custom label near the connector type.

  • On the Accounts page, point to the customer account, click ••• > Edit.
  • Select the Service tab > Product info
  • Under Custom properties, click +Add custom property.
  • Select a property name.
  • Enter a value.
  • Choose an activation date.
  • Click Create.

Schedule a new version of your custom property

You can create multiple versions of your custom property in case seat limits need to change in the future.

  • On the Accounts page, point to the customer account, click ••• > Edit.
  • Select the Service tab > Product info
  • Under Custom properties, point to the property and click the gear icon.
  • Enter a new value and new activation date. 
  • Click Save

Tip: To see a list of all versions, select the All versions tab. 

Make changes to your custom property

Editing active versions of custom properties

You cannot edit a custom property that is active. To modify the seat limit, schedule a new version for the nearest date. (See: Schedule a new version of your custom property) 

Editing scheduled versions of custom properties

Seat limit value:

  • If there is no active version, you can change the seat limit. Enter a new value and click save. The version will be updated.
  • If there is an active version, you cannot change the seat limit value. In this case, delete the one you want to change and add a new version. (See: Schedule a new version of your custom property) 

Activation date:

  • If you want to change when a scheduled version comes into affect, first delete it and then add a new one. (See Delete a scheduled version of a custom property) 
    Important: Saving a new activation date of a scheduled version will create a new version, not update the current version.

Delete a custom property

Deleting a custom property will revert the property back to its standard settings. The change will come take effect at midnight.

Deleting an active or scheduled custom property will delete all past and scheduled versions. 

Note: If you created a custom seat limit that took effect immediately, but want to change the start date, you must first delete the entire custom property and then add a new one with the new activation date.

  • On the Accounts page, point to the customer account, click ••• > Edit.
  • Select the Service tab > Product info
  • Under Custom properties, find the property and click the trash icon.
  • Click Delete.

Delete a scheduled version of a custom property

You can delete a scheduled version of the property without deleting the entire custom property. You cannot delete a version that is currently active or past versions.

Deleting a scheduled version implies that the previous version will remain active until the next version takes effect.

  • On the Accounts page, point to the customer account, click ••• > Edit.
  • Select the Service tab > Product info
  • Under Custom properties, find the property and click the gear icon.
  • In the All versions tab, click the trash icon for the value you want to delete
  • Click Delete