Restore Power BI data
You can restore single files and folders one at a time or in bulk.
Items are restored to their original locations. If a file or folder with the same name already exists in the location, it will be overwritten.
Restore a Power BI item
1. In your connector, find the folder or file you want to restore.
2. Optional: If you want to restore a record from an earlier point in time, select the Snapshots Viewer. Then select the appropriate snapshot.
3. To the right of the item, select ••• > Restore.
4. Select Yes to restore the item.
Note: To restore multiple items at a time, select the items. In the toolbar, select Restore.
What is restored
- Restoring a workspace restores the permissions of the workspace.
- Restoring a report restores the dataset.
Note: If you use a different report to source the data of a new report, then the data of the new report will not backed up. This means that when you want to restore this report, you must also restore the report that was used as a the dataset. Then you must manually add the dataset to the report and then republish it.