Surviving ransomware: 2023 data protection insights and strategies

WebinarBy Paul Robichaux

As ransomware attacks rise in impact and frequency, businesses across the globe are pressured to improve their resilience against ransomware.

In this webinar, industry experts from Enterprise Strategy Group and Keepit will guide you through the latest insights on data protection and ransomware recovery so that you can learn how to back up – and never lose access to – your data.

The findings are based on a new report titled: "2023 Ransomware Preparedness: Lighting the Way to Readiness and Mitigation," which surveyed 600 European and North American IT and cybersecurity professionals.

Download the report here.

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Learn how to:

  • Protect your dataand recover from a ransomware attack
  • Employ best practicesand data protection strategies that effectively combat the threat of ransomware
  • Secure a backupand recovery solution that creates a solid last line of defense
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Paul Robichaux is Senior Director of Product Management at Keepit and a Microsoft MVP (Most Valuable Professional) – a title he has been awarded every year since 2003. Paul has worked in IT since 1978 and held a number of CTO and senior product development positions in the software industry.

Paul is a prolific contributor to the Microsoft community: He is the author of an impressive amount of books and articles about Microsoft technologies, including the best-selling Office 365 for IT Pros, a contributing editor for Practical 365, and produces a continuous stream of videos, podcasts, and webinars.  He is based in Alabama in the United States.

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