Keepit Platform

Keepit messages

Keepit messages help you staу informed about various events, helping you monitor your connectors as well as your backup and restore jobs.

Default messages

  • By default, Keepit sends messages to the in-app inbox of the primary Master Admin user and to their email.
  • Other users do not receive messages unless this option is manually enabled for them.

Important message exceptions

  • Account-related messages: Messages concerning a user's sign-in (e.g., activation emails or password reset emails) are always sent to the relevant user, regardless of message settings. Only the intended recipient will have access to these messages.
  • Link generation messages: A user who generates a PST download or a compliance report will receive a message with the download link, regardless of their message settings. 

Finding messages in the Keepit platform

In-app messages can be found on the Messages page by clicking Messages in the left navigation menu. 

Enabling messages for users

A Master Admin can enable messages being sent to other users to allow them to see connector, backup, and restore updates.

Messages can be enabled when a user is first being created by turning on the Send messages toggle. 

To enable messages for users that have already been created, go to your account profile > Account info. In the Users tab, point to the user and click the gear icon. Turn on the Send messages toggle. 

What events trigger messages

Connector updates

  • A new connector is added
  • A connector's health is changed
  • A connector is scheduled for deletion

Backup updates

  • The initial backup on a connector is completed
  • A backup is unsuccessful
  • A backup is incomplete

Restore updates

  • A restore is started
  • A restore is successful
  • A restore is unsuccessful
  • A restore is incomplete

PST download update

  • PST file download link is generated

Compliance report download update

  • Compliance report download link is generated

Multi-geo configuration update 

  • The geo location of a connector is changed (only for connectors with multi-geo support)

For more information about backup jobs, see Using the Job Monitor