Keepit Platform

View or delete secondary tokens

A Master Admin can view and delete active secondary tokens for their user and for other account users. 

What are secondary tokens?

Secondary tokens are created for a user (a primary token) to allow them to authenticate requests to the server. 

These are typically session tokens (created automatically when a user signs in) and API tokens (created manually to integrate with Keepit's API). 

View secondary tokens

A Master Admin can view and manage active secondary tokens for their user and for other account users.

Secondary tokens can found in the user's info page in the Security tab.

View and manage your secondary tokens:

1. In the lower-left corner, select your account profile > User info.

2. Go to Security > Secondary tokens.

View and manage secondary tokens of other users:

1. In the lower-left corner, select your account profile > Account info.

2. Open the Users tab.

3. Point to the user and click the gear icon.

4. Go to Security > Secondary tokens.

Delete secondary tokens

A Master Admin can delete active secondary tokens for their user and for other account users.

Note: Each user (not only the Master Admin) has the option to delete all their tokens by selecting Sign out everywhere in their account info.

Delete secondary tokens for your user

Delete a token

1. In the lower-left corner, select your account profile > User info.

2. Go to Security > Secondary tokens.

3. Point to the token and click the trash can icon.

4. Click Delete.

Delete your authorization token

The authorization token is your current browser sign-in session. This token is marked with a key icon.

1. In the lower-left corner, select your account profile > User info.

2. Go to Security > Secondary tokens.

3. Point to the browser-sign in token and click the trash can icon.

4. Click Delete & sign out.

Deleting your authorization token will sign you out.

To delete all your tokens

1. In the lower-left corner, select your account profile > User info.

2. Go to Security > Secondary tokens.

3. Click Delete all tokens

4. Click Delete & sign out.

Deleting all your tokens means you will also delete the authorization token you are currently signed in with.

Delete secondary tokens for other users

Delete a token

1. In the lower-left corner, select your account profile > Account info.

2. Open the Users tab.

3. Point to the user and click the gear icon.

4. Go to Security > Secondary tokens.

5. Point to the token and click the trash can icon.

6. Click Delete.

Delete all tokens

1. In the lower-left corner, select your account profile > Account info.

2. Open the Users tab.

3. Point to the user and click the gear icon.

4. Go to Security > Secondary tokens.

5. Click Delete all tokens

6. Click Delete.

If a user is currently using a token, the token will no longer be able to send requests.