Assign or remove an RTBF label
Use RTBF (Right to be Forgotten) labels to ensure data items cannot be recovered to the production database. RTBF labels protect files by preventing them from being previewed, downloaded, or restored.
What is an RTBF label
RTBF labels allow you to mark items, which according to GDPR's "right to be forgotten," cannot be recovered in any way.
An item with the RTBF label cannot be restored, downloaded as a ZIP or PST file, previewed, or shared as a public link.
This item cannot be directly restored nor will it be restored as part of a larger restore. For example, if you restore a folder, all items in the folder except for those that have been marked with the RTBF label will be restored.
The same applies when restoring a Salesforce or Dynamics record together with related records. The selected record will be restored, but RTBF-marked related records will not be.
Note: We cannot restore the related records of RTBF-marked related records. In this case, the restore job will be marked as incomplete.
Deleted items can be assigned the RTBF label.
RTBF labels are applied only to the selected instance of an item
The RTBF label is applied only to the selected item. This means that if the item is also stored in another location, the item can still be recovered from that location.
For example, an email in the inbox of a user may also exist in the outbox of the user who sent the item. Or a file in the Groups & Teams General folder can also exist in the SharePoint General folder.
To ensure that the file cannot be recovered from another location, we recommend that you mark all instances of the item with an RTBF label.
To help you find other instances of the file, use the smart search.
Assign an RTBF label
1. Locate the item in your connector.
2. To the right of the item, select ••• > RTBF.
3. Optional: Add a comment.
4. Select Next.
5. Review the summary and select Assign.
Note: To assign an RTBF label to multiple items, select the items. At the top, select RTBF.
Now the item will be faded out and marked with the RTBF label. All RTBF items will be found on the RTBF page.
Remove an RTBF label
1. In the left-hand menu, select RFTB to open the RTBF page.
2. To the right of the item, select the Remove RTBF icon.
3. Optional: Add a comment.
4. Select Next.
5. Review the summary and select Remove.
Note: To remove RTBF statuses from multiple items, select the items. At the top, select Remove RTBF.
RTBF page
Only Master admins and Compliance admins have access to the RTBF page.
The RTBF page contains a list of all files and folders that have been marked with the RTBF label, with the following information:
- Date and time the RTBF label was assigned
- Who assigned the RTBF label
- Comments that have been added to the items
- The path to the item
A report can be generated from selected items by clicking in the toolbar the Download report icon.
The RTBF page is also where it is possible to remove the RTBF status.